Tips from Dental Epping to Ensure Better Dental Health and To Retain Teeth for a Long Time


Ignorance and neglect are prime reasons why you will have to undergo expensive dental procedures at some time in your life. Neglect can lead to periodontal disease and tooth rot. In both cases surgery is always expensive not to speak of the discomfort you feel prior to surgery, during it and afterwards. Preventative dentistry from dental Epping clinic is a good way to preserve your teeth and maintain perfect oral health. You save money and avoid pain. Just keep in mind these tips.

 Do not allow plaque to build up

Plaque is the villain. Simple brushing and flossing help control plaque but cannot remove tartar and calculus. As a result bacteria breed and lead to bad breath, gum disease and dental caries. If neglected bacteria can spread to your heart and cause graver cardiovascular issues. The simple way to preserve teeth and oral health is to get your teeth cleaned periodically, say at least once in two months, at dental Epping  clinic. No plaque means teeth remain healthy, gums stay healthy and you do not suffer from bad breath.

 Eating habits

What you eat and how you eat do have an influence on oral health and teeth health. Sugar is the main culprit since bacteria thrive on sugar. The simple solution for better dental health is to avoid sugar altogether and also, you should reduce starchy foods. If you do eat, rinse your mouth with water or, better still, brush your teeth to remove food particles.

  • Eat food only at fixed times and try to avoid snacking at any odd time. This reduces chance of food particles being wedged in crevices and breeding bacteria.
  • What you eat matters. Try to eat crunchy raw vegetables such as beetroot, cucumbers and carrots or cabbage. The fibrous vegetables act like a brush and if you eat greens, chlorophyll in such foods is a natural antibacterial agent. If you do eat meat, try to end the meal by crunching on cucumbers or cabbage to dislodge meat particles.
  • It is best to give up tobacco altogether since tobacco deposits tar and chemicals that interfere with saliva production and coat the teeth.
  • Similarly, it is a good idea to restrict intake of alcohol since alcohol erodes enamel. If you must drink, dilute your drink and rinse with water afterwards.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. It would be better still if you can brush your teeth a half hour after every meal you consume.

 Other tips for better dental health

People get so busy with work that they become forgetful.

  • You may have a cup of coffee while working but if not rinsed off with water afterwards your teeth can become stained. It is the same when you smoke. Take time off to rinse your mouth.
  • You do not drink water for hours at a stretch. Your mouth can go dry and this can harm teeth and gums since bacteria breeding increases. Keep sipping water and rinse your mouth from time to time.
  • You could chew sugar-free gum from time to time. It does help a little bit.
  • Gargle with salt water. Salt kills bacteria.
  • Use toothpaste with fluoride and the right brushing techniques that dentists at Dental Epping Clinic recommend.